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Meerstown Brand Identification Design

梅尔斯小镇位于德国博登湖畔,与小镇同名的梅尔斯堡,建于公元630年,是德国仍持续使用的城堡中最古老的一个。古堡傲然矗立在山上,映衬着山下博登湖明朗清澈的湖水,因此人们总是把梅尔斯堡看做是浑然天成的自然杰作,以至于当欧洲人在惊叹于漂亮美丽时,会说:“Es  glaenzt  wie  Meersburg”(如梅尔斯堡一般闪亮)。


The town of Meers is located on the shore of Lake Constance in Germany. It has the same name as the town of Meersburg, the oldest castle still in use in Germany which was built in 630AD. The clear waters of Lake Constance below the mountain is reflecting the castle which stands proudly on the mountain. That's why people always consider Meersburg as a natural masterpiece. So that when Europeans are marveling at the beauty, they say: "Es glaenzt wie Meersburg" (as shiny as Meersburg). 

“Such as star-like shining”, this kind of feeling inspired our designers. We injected this "shine" into the capital M from brand logo, and turn the eyes of the character into stars, just like when customers see the freshly baked fragrant bread, their eyes emit a salivating light.

Client : 梅尔斯小镇面包店 Meerstown Cafe ​
​⁣Concept : Ave Leung​
​Creative Direction : Ave Leung​
​Illustration : Ave Leung​
​Designer : Jin Leung​
​3D Graphic : Zhuang Yi​

Meerstown Brand Identification Design

Meerstown Brand Identification Design
